Results for 'Teresa Capone Cook'

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  1. Lyn Frazier, Maria nella Carminati, Anne E. cook, Helen Majewski and Keith Rayner (university of massachusetts) semantic evaluation of syntactic structure: Evidence from eye movements, b53–b62 Andrea Weber (saarland university), Martine Grice (university of cologne) and Matthew W. Crocker (saarland university). [REVIEW]Tania Lombrozo, Susan Carey, Joana Cholin, Willem Jm Levelt, Niels O. Schiller, Rebecca J. Woods & Teresa Wilcox - 2006 - Cognition 99:385-387.
  2. Shifting Concepts: The Philosophy and Psychology of Conceptual Variability.Teresa Marques & Åsa Wikforss (eds.) - 2020 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Concepts stand at the centre of human cognition. We use concepts in categorizing objects and events in the world, in reasoning and action, and in social interaction. It is therefore not surprising that the study of concepts constitutes a central area of research in philosophy and psychology, yet only recently have the two disciplines developed greater interaction. Recent experiments in psychology that test the role of concepts in categorizing and reasoning have found a great deal of variation, across individuals and (...)
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    What Should We Mean by 'Military Ethics'?Martin Cook & Henrik Syse - 2010 - Journal of Military Ethics 9 (2):119-122.
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    Halo and devil effects demonstrate valenced-based influences on source-monitoring decisions.G. Cook - 2003 - Consciousness and Cognition 12 (2):257-278.
    Source attributions based on positive versus negative valence were examined in four experiments. The two sources were individuals who were depicted positively or negatively, and the content of their statements was similarly valenced. When valenced information about the sources was provided after learning the statements, test biases to attribute positive statements to the positive source and negative statements to the negative source were strongly present. Providing the same information prior to learning improved memory, but did not entirely eliminate test biases (...)
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  5. Let a thousand flowers Bloom: A tour of logical pluralism.Roy T. Cook - 2010 - Philosophy Compass 5 (6):492-504.
    Logical pluralism is the view that there is more than one correct logic. In this article, I explore what logical pluralism is, and what it entails, by: (i) distinguishing clearly between relativism about a particular domain and pluralism about that domain; (ii) distinguishing between a number of forms logical pluralism might take; (iii) attempting to distinguish between those versions of pluralism that are clearly true and those that are might be controversial; and (iv) surveying three prominent attempts to argue for (...)
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    Attributing episodic memory to animals and children.Teresa McCormack - 2001 - In Christoph Hoerl & Teresa McCormack (eds.), Time and memory: issues in philosophy and psychology. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 285--314.
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    Rational Irrationality: Modeling Climate Change Belief Polarization Using Bayesian Networks.John Cook & Stephan Lewandowsky - 2016 - Topics in Cognitive Science 8 (1):160-179.
    Belief polarization is said to occur when two people respond to the same evidence by updating their beliefs in opposite directions. This response is considered to be “irrational” because it involves contrary updating, a form of belief updating that appears to violate normatively optimal responding, as for example dictated by Bayes' theorem. In light of much evidence that people are capable of normatively optimal behavior, belief polarization presents a puzzling exception. We show that Bayesian networks, or Bayes nets, can simulate (...)
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    Perspectival Logical Pluralism.Roy T. Cook - 2023 - Res Philosophica 100 (2):171-202.
    Logical pluralism is the view that there is more than one formal logic that correctly (or best, or legitimately) codifies the logical consequence relation in natural language. This essay provides a taxonomy of different variations on the logical pluralist theme based on a five-part structure, and then identifies an unoccupied position in this taxonomy: perspectival logical pluralism. Perspectival pluralism provides an attractive position from which to formulate a philosophy of logic from a feminist perspective (and from other, identity-based perspectives, such (...)
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  9. Morality and cultural differences.John Webber Cook - 1999 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The scholars who defend or dispute moral relativism, the idea that a moral principle cannot be applied to people whose culture does not accept it, have concerned themselves with either the philosophical or anthropological aspects of relativism. This study, shows that in order to arrive at a definitive appraisal of moral relativism, it is necessary to understand and investigate both its anthropological and philosophical aspects. Carefully examining the arguments for and against moral relativism, Cook exposes not only that anthropologists (...)
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    Personality and Hypothalamic–Pituitary–Adrenal Axis in Older Men and Women.Teresa Montoliu, Vanesa Hidalgo & Alicia Salvador - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Michael Walzer's Concept of 'Supreme Emergency'.Martin L. Cook - 2007 - Journal of Military Ethics 6 (2):138-151.
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    The Metaphysics of Wittgenstein's On Certainty.John W. Cook - 1985 - Philosophical Investigations 8 (2):81-119.
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    Where science starts: Spontaneous experiments in preschoolers’ exploratory play.Claire Cook, Noah D. Goodman & Laura E. Schulz - 2011 - Cognition 120 (3):341-349.
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    The fate of ordinary language philosophy.John W. Cook - 1980 - Philosophical Investigations 3 (2):1-72.
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    Ethics and Rural Healthcare: What Really Happens? What Might Help?Ann Freeman Cook & Helena Hoas - 2008 - American Journal of Bioethics 8 (4):52-56.
    Relatively few articles discuss the ethical issues that accompany healthcare in rural areas. This article presents and discusses the key findings obtained from multi-method research studies conducted over a 9-year period of time in a multi-state rural area. It challenges the efficacy of current models for bioethics, shows what kinds of ethical issues develop in rural communities, and offers a framework for envisioning resources and approaches that may be more appropriate.
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  16. Embracing revenge: on the indefinite extendibility of language.Roy T. Cook - 2007 - In J. C. Beall (ed.), The Revenge of the Liar: New Essays on the Paradox. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 31.
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    The link between deductive reasoning and mathematics.Kinga Morsanyi, Teresa McCormack & Eileen O'Mahony - 2018 - Thinking and Reasoning 24 (2):234-257.
    Recent studies have shown that deductive reasoning skills are related to mathematical abilities. Nevertheless, so far the links between mathematical abilities and these two forms of deductive inference have not been investigated in a single study. It is also unclear whether these inference forms are related to both basic maths skills and mathematical reasoning, and whether these relationships still hold if the effects of fluid intelligence are controlled. We conducted a study with 87 adult participants. The results showed that transitive (...)
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    Music, imagination, and culture.Nicholas Cook - 1990 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Drawing on psychological and philosophical materials as well as the analysis of specific musical examples, Cook here defines the difference between music...
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    Recognizing Settler Ignorance in the Canadian Truth and Reconciliation Commission.Anna Cook - 2018 - Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 4 (4).
    The Canadian Truth and Reconciliation Commission has been mandated to collect testimonies from survivors of the Indian Residential Schools system. The TRC demands survivors of the residential school system to share their personal narratives under the assumption that the sharing of narratives will inform the Canadian public of the residential school legacy and will motivate a transformation of settler identity. I contend, however, that the TRC provides a concrete example of how a politics of recognition fails to transform relationships between (...)
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    Commanding Right and Forbidding Wrong in Islamic Thought.Michael Cook - 2000 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    What kind of duty do we have to try to stop other people doing wrong? The question is intelligible in just about any culture, but few of them seek to answer it in a rigourous fashion. The most striking exception is found in the Islamic tradition, where 'commanding right' and 'forbidding wrong' is a central moral tenet already mentioned in the Koran. As an historian of Islam whose research has ranged widely over space and time, Michael Cook is well (...)
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    CRISPR Patents: Aspiring to Coherent Patent Policy.Robert Cook-Deegan - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (12):51-54.
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  22. The Problem of De Se Attitudes: An Introduction to the Issues and the Essays.Neil Feit & Alessandro Capone - 2013 - In Neil Feit & Alessandro Capone (eds.), Attitudes De Se: Linguistics, Epistemology, Metaphysics. CSLI Publications. pp. 1-25.
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    The Agora in One Volume.J. M. Cook - 1975 - The Classical Review 25 (02):289-.
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    Euripides, Electra 726–42.B. H. Kemball-Cook - 1950 - The Classical Review 64 (3-4):95-.
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    Spinning in the NAPLAN Ether: 'Postscript on the Control Societies' and the Seduction of Education in Australia.Ian Cook & Greg Thompson - 2012 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 6 (4):564-584.
    This paper applies concepts Deleuze developed in his ‘Postscript on the Societies of Control’, especially those relating to modulatory power, dividuation and control, to aspects of Australian schooling to explore how this transition is manifesting itself. Two modulatory machines of assessment, NAPLAN and My Schools, are examined as a means to better understand how the disciplinary institution is changing as a result of modulation. This transition from discipline to modulation is visible in the declining importance of the disciplinary teacher–student relationship (...)
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    ‘The Scientists Think and the Public Feels.Guy Cook, Elisa Pieri & Peter T. Robbins - 2004 - Discourse Society 15 (4):433-49.
    Debates about new technologies, such as crop and food genetic modification, raise pressing questions about the ways ‘experts’ and ‘ nonexperts’ communicate. These debates are dynamic, characterized by many voices contesting numerous storylines. The discoursal features, including language choices and communication strategies, of the GM debate are in some ways taken for granted and in others actively manipulated by participants. Although there are many voices, some have more influence than others. This study makes use of 50 hours of in-depth interviews (...)
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  27. “Immaculate War”: Constraints on Humanitarian Intervention.Martin L. Cook - 2000 - Ethics and International Affairs 14:55–65.
    Although military personnel are required to follow all legal orders, morally the traditional contract between soldier and state rests on shared assumptions about the purposes for which national militaries will and will not be used.
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  28. Hume’s Big Brother: counting concepts and the bad company objection.Roy T. Cook - 2009 - Synthese 170 (3):349 - 369.
    A number of formal constraints on acceptable abstraction principles have been proposed, including conservativeness and irenicity. Hume’s Principle, of course, satisfies these constraints. Here, variants of Hume’s Principle that allow us to count concepts instead of objects are examined. It is argued that, prima facie, these principles ought to be no more problematic than HP itself. But, as is shown here, these principles only enjoy the formal properties that have been suggested as indicative of acceptability if certain constraints on the (...)
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    Levitation, Superman’s Flight, and the Prose of Life.Dorota Koczanowicz - 2018 - The Monist 101 (3):340-352.
    This article discusses works of two artists—Marina Abramović and Elżbieta Jabłońska —who explore a clash between heroism and everydayness in the kitchen space. Everyday routine inexorably demands being performed. Its uncompromising decrees spare neither mystics nor the free souls of artists. Even the most spiritual people must eat and drink. To solve the conflict of matter and spirit, these artists draw on different traditions that transcend reality: mysticism and the superheroes of popular culture, respectively. Abramović enters the kitchen as St. (...)
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    Sztuka--przedmiot i źródło poznania: z metodologicznych problemów wyjaśniania zjawisk artystycznych.Teresa Kostyrko - 1977 - Warszawa: Państ. Wydaw. Naukowe.
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    An Intensional Theory of Truth: An Informal Report.Roy T. Cook - 2020 - Philosophical Forum 51 (2):115-126.
    Saul Kripke’s theory of truth suffers from expressive limitations – in particular, there are no extensional operators within that framework that allow one to characterize those sentences that fail to receive a truth value within the framework. Especially worrisome is the fact that there is no operator that outputs true on exactly the paradoxical sentences. In this paper I extend Kripke’s approach via the addition of extensional operators, which allows us to characterize many (but not all) such sentences, including the (...)
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  32. Leibniz: Biblical Historian and Exegete.Daniel J. Cook - 1968 - In Ingrid Marchlewitz & Albert Heinekamp (eds.), Leibniz’ Auseinandersetzung mit Vorgängern und Zeitgenossen. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
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    Telesprache.Deborah Cook - 1987 - Philosophy and Literature 11 (2):292-300.
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  34. Impure Sets Are Not Located: A Fregean Argument.Roy T. Cook - 2012 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 1 (3):219-229.
    It is sometimes suggested that impure sets are spatially co-located with their members (and hence are located in space). Sets, however, are in important respects like numbers. In particular, sets are connected to concepts in much the same manner as numbers are connected to concepts—in both cases, they are fundamentally abstracts of (or corresponding to) concepts. This parallel between the structure of sets and the structure of numbers suggests that the metaphysics of sets and the metaphysics of numbers should parallel (...)
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  35. Pity the Unready and the Unwilling: Choice, chance, and injustice in Martin’s ‘The Right to Higher Education’.Philip Cook - 2023 - Theory and Research in Education 21 (1):82-87.
    For Martin, the right to free higher education may be claimed only by those ready and willing pursue autonomy supporting higher education. The unready and unwilling, among whom may be counted carers, disabled, and devout, are excluded. This is unjust. I argue that this injustice follows from a tension between three elements of Martin’s argument: (1) a universal right to autonomy supporting higher education; (2) qualifications on entitlements to access this right in order to preserve the value of higher educational (...)
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    Using chiles and comics to address the physical and emotional wellbeing of farmworkers in Vermont’s borderlands.Teresa Mares, Naomi Wolcott-MacCausland, Julia Doucet, Andy Kolovos & Marek Bennett - 2020 - Agriculture and Human Values 37 (1):197-208.
    In Vermont, approximately 1000–1200 migrant workers from Latin America are helping to sustain the state’s dairy industry. These dairy workers, the majority of whom are from Mexico and Guatemala, experience significant mental health impacts stemming from a combination of stressors due to leaving their home of origin and challenges related to working in rural Vermont. This article employs a framework of structural violence and structural vulnerability to situate the lived experiences and health concerns of migrant farmworkers in Vermont’s dairy industry. (...)
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  37. La filosofía como diálogo: Platón y su idea de la filosofía como dialéctica.Teresa Padilla Longoria - 2007 - la Lámpara de Diógenes 8 (14-15):7-25.
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  38. Il potere alchemico della scrittura in Ildegarda di Bingen.Teresa Lucente - 2009 - Annali Della Facoltà di Lettere E Filosofia:Università di Siena 30:73-96.
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    Words of mass destruction: British newpaper coverage of the genetically modified food debate, expert and non-expert reactions.Guy Cook, Peter T. Robbins & Elisa Pieri - unknown
    This article reports the findings of a one-year project examining British press coverage of the genetically modified food debate during the first half of 2003, and both expert and non-expert reactions to that coverage. Two pro-GM newspapers and two anti-GM newspapers were selected for analysis, and all articles mentioning GM during the period in question were stored in a machine readable database. This was then analyzed using corpus linguistic and discourse analytic techniques to reveal recurrent wording, themes and content. This (...)
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    Leibniz und Das Judentum.Daniel J. Cook, H. Rudolph & C. Schulte (eds.) - 2008 - Franz Steiner Verlag.
    Leibniz beschäftigte sich nicht nur in seiner Philosophie, sondern auch in seinen Arbeiten als Jurist, als Bibliothekar, als theologischer Ökumeniker und nicht zuletzt in seinem Alltagsleben in der Residenz Hannover immer wieder mit Juden und mit Judentum. Dennoch wurde bisher in der Forschung seine Einstellung zum Judentum kaum durchleuchtet - etwa zur jüdischen Religion, zur Kabbala, zur hebräischen Bibel und rabbinischen Tradition oder zu seinen jüdischen Zeitgenossen selbst, ihren Werken und ihrer Rechtsstellung. Hier blieb die Analyse von Leibniz' persönlicher Haltung (...)
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    Treating of bodies medical and political: Dr. Mandeville's materialism.Harold J. Cook - 2016 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 9 (1):1.
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    Robert desgabets's representation principle.Monte Cook - 2002 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 40 (2):189-200.
    Monte Cook - Robert Desgabets's Representation Principle - Journal of the History of Philosophy 40:2 Journal of the History of Philosophy 40.2 189-200 Robert Desgabets's Representation Principle Monte Cook THE CARTESIAN PHILOSOPHER ROBERT DESGABETS'S only philosophical publication is his Critique de la Critique de la Recherche de la vérité , in which he criticizes Simon Foucher's criticism of Malebranche's Search After Truth. This work has never been republished and is now available only in rare book collections. Desgabets also (...)
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    (1 other version)Introduction. Inquiries in Philosophical Pragmatics: Linguistic and Theoretical Issues.Fabrizio Macagno & Alessandro Capone - 2021 - In Fabrizio Macagno & Alessandro Capone (eds.), Inquiries in Philosophical Pragmatics: Issues in Linguistics. Springer. pp. 1-6.
    Together with the volume “Inquiries in philosophical pragmatics: Theoretical developments,” this book collects selected contributions to the conference Pragmasophia II held in Lisbon in 2018. The eleven essays of this volume focus on how a linguistic structure or expression manifests a pragmatic phenomenon, and are ordered considering their relationship with the specificity of the context. The first three papers, devoted to the topics of prototype-based generalizations, scalar implicatures, and temporal ordering, propose new insights into pragmatic phenomena considering linguistic behavior independent (...)
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    Victories for Empiricism, Failures for Theory: Medicine and Science in the Seventeenth Century.Harold J. Cook - 2010 - In Charles T. Wolfe & Ofer Gal (eds.), The Body as Object and Instrument of Knowledge: Embodied Empiricism in Early Modern Science. Springer. pp. 9--32.
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    Divine-Human Relations in the Aesopic Corpus.Teresa Morgan - 2013 - Journal of Ancient History 1 (1):3-26.
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  46. The Avant-garde and the Arriere-garde in the Postmodern Perspective.Teresa Pękala - 2001 - Art Inquiry. Recherches Sur les Arts 3:91-106.
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    At the Sources of the Phenomenology of Life.Ana-Teresa Tymieniecka & Yvanka B. Raynova - 2015 - Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics 17 (2):84-96.
    An Interview with Ana-Teresa Tymieniecka by Yvanka B. Raynova realized in December 1994 at the World Phenomenology Institute. It was published firstly in Bulgarian, and thereafter in English, on the homepage of the World Phenomenology Institute.
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    Exploring the Practical Meaning of Clinical Ethics When Providing Healthcare in Rural and Frontier Settings: Appreciating What Matters.Ann Freeman Cook & Helena Hoas - 2019 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 9 (2):127-132.
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    An Amauldian Defense of Cartesianism.Monte Cook - 1988 - Philosophie Et Culture: Actes du XVIIe Congrès Mondial de Philosophie 4:355-358.
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    Autonomous synthetic computer characters as personal representatives.Linda Cook, Tim Bickmore, Sara Bly, Elizabeth Churchill, Scott Prevost & Joseph W. Sullivan - 2000 - In Kerstin Dauthenhahn (ed.), Human Cognition and Social Agent Technology. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
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